Delicious stuff! I've always been a fan of sour foods, and even though it's more of a footnote in the flavor, this fits the bill. Another one of my go-tos. I'll always be impressed with the flexibility of pasta.
The recipe calls for chunky tuna, but if you're careful with the flakey cans then you are in the clear. It's right about one thing, though: the tinier, "leftover" pieces soak up the flavor a little too much. They're very quick and easy to pick out of the sauce before you pour it, though.
My only gripe is that the sauce and the spaghetti don't blend that well. I'm going to make this later and I'll report back soon on if letting it soak into the noodles for a few minutes helps. Until then, it doesn't mess with the goodness at all and you'll definitely still find yourself and the people you make it for enjoying it.