100%Anne HyRoast beetroot, lentils and walnuts15 ingredients100%Anne HyRoasted Beets, Avocado, and Sunflower Seeds12 ingredients100%Anne HyHerby Seeds Salad with Toasted Cumin Vinaigrette18 ingredients100%Anne HyMixed Winter Greens and Beans9 ingredients100%Anne HySTONE FRUIT BOWLS8 ingredients100%Anne HySUMMERTIME OATMEAL8 ingredients100%Anne Hya really great salad with lots of options17 ingredients · 30min100%Anne Hymeaty vegan lentil loaf6 ingredients · 35min100%Anne HySWEET-TART SUN GOLD TOMATO SOUP WITH AVOCADO RELISH7 ingredients100%Anne HySQUASH IT VEG SANDWICH10 ingredients · 20minWHITE BEAN SMOOTHIES WITH MANGO, COCONUT, MINT, AND GINGER100%Anne HyWHITE BEAN SMOOTHIES WITH MANGO, COCONUT, MINT, AND GINGER10 ingredients100%Anne Hygomae6 ingredients100%Anne HyTuna Onigiri2 ingredients · 1h 20min100%Anne HyBurnt Carrots with Honey, Black Pepper, Butter, and Almonds7 ingredients100%Anne HyCrushed and Fried Potatoes with Crispy Herbs and Garlic8 ingredients100%Anne Hylittle gem with creamy dressing, hazelnuts, and petals10 ingredients100%Anne Hybuild-a-bowl2 ingredients · 30minINDIAN FRUIT AND CHICKPEA SALAD100%Anne HyINDIAN FRUIT AND CHICKPEA SALAD11 ingredients100%Anne HyFancy Yellow Rice Kaha Bath14 ingredients100%Anne HyCOUNTRY INN GRANOLA PARFAIT17 ingredients100%Anne Hygreen smoothie bowl9 ingredientsDATE SYRUP100%Anne HyDATE SYRUP3 ingredients100%Anne HySMOKY ROASTED CHICKPEAS7 ingredients100%Anne HyTomato Casserole8 ingredients100%Anne HyMANGO-AVOCADO-KALE SALAD WITH GINGER-SESAME ORANGE DRESSING14 ingredients100%Anne HySuperfood salad12 ingredientsWHITE BEAN TABBOULEH100%Anne HyWHITE BEAN TABBOULEH10 ingredientsCreamed Super Greens100%Anne HyCreamed Super Greens11 ingredients · 25minBlack / / Cacao + Almond Milk + Almond Butter100%Anne HyBlack / / Cacao + Almond Milk + Almond Butter13 ingredients100%Anne HyRadishes and Croutons with Horseradish Dressing8 ingredientsSO MANY WAYS TO HUMMUS100%Anne HySO MANY WAYS TO HUMMUS45 ingredients100%Anne HyCHERRY-BERRY SMOOTHIE5 ingredients100%Anne Hybreakfast salad with lox and herbs5 ingredients100%Anne HyFEISTY BEET & HORSERADISH DIP1 ingredients · 5min100%Anne Hysteamed egg custArd with crispy chilli oil11 ingredients100%Anne HyEGGS, SPINACH, BREAD7 ingredients100%Anne Hyhealth food salad12 ingredients100%Anne HyFRUIT SOUPS – MINT & KIWI1 ingredients100%Anne HySPROUTING SEED SALAD10 ingredients · 15min100%Anne HyRadishes with Tonnato, Sunflower Seeds, and Lemon12 ingredients100%Anne HySLOW-COOKER OATS with TWO TOPPINGS17 ingredients · 4h 15min100%Anne HySTINGING NETTLE SOUP WITH NIGELLA SEEDS9 ingredients100%Anne Hyspoon salad for abdullah18 ingredients100%Anne HyTACOS DE HUEVO SOFT-BOILED EGG TACOS6 ingredients100%Anne HySoCal Fish Tacos with Mango Salsa18 ingredients · 40min100%Anne Hycucumber toasts with radishes & sprouts9 ingredients100%Anne HyPAN-ROASTED CARROTS WITH STICKY SHERRY DRESSING, TOASTED ALMONDS AND MANCHEGO CHEESE12 ingredientsMicrowave red lentil pâté100%Anne HyMicrowave red lentil pâté6 ingredientsNext Page